
(10)Up portamental

古箏初級指法 Guzheng for Beginners

(10) The up portamento

Up portamento - After your right hand plucks a string, your left hand presses down the same string (but on the left of the bridge). This way, the pitch will increase. It is important to remember that hand first joint of your left fingers should not bend inward. The shape of your hand should be the same as performing vibrato.
1. Examples:
○ 5↗ is the same as 5 6. 5 owns one entire beat and the  ↗ takes the second half beat.That means after plucking 5, your left fingers should press downward during the second half beat to get 6.
○ 1 2 ↗ is the sameas 1 23. 2 owns a half beat. Therefore,after plucking 2, your left fingers should press
downward during the last 1⁄4 beat to get 3.(please refer the above Chinese numbered notes)

2. Guzheng is based on a Pentatonic Scale - do, re, mi, so, la. When you perform Up portamento, you should be

3. After your left hand presses down a string, do not release your hand immediately. Release your left
hand only when the next string has been plucked.


4、7按音和上滑音有為分別?當你需要由 3弦按至4,或是由6弦按至7,雙手要

Additional Information:

What is the difference between getting 4,7 and Up portamento. When you have to press down a string to get from 3 (mi) to 4 (fa) or 6 (la) to 7 (ti), both hand have to work at the same time - your right hand has to pluck the string and left hand has to press down to the right position. Or else you would hear Up portamnento . Up portamento requires you to pluck first and then press down the same time. This way you can hear clearly the pitch being increase. Note: “Shang” in English means to raise or increase. Here, it refers to increase the pitch of a sound. “Hua” in English means to glide. Here, it refers to the gradually gliding increase of a pitch. “Yin” means sound or pitch in English.


watch movie -> 1.10.1           
  留意手型 pay attention on your hand 

Note : After you press the “i” string to get “Re”,don’t release your left hand immediately. Release your left hand the moment you pluck “6”. Then press down “6” immediately to get “i”.

Note : The rule here is that when you press down a string, the pitch has to increase to the level of the next same. 1 ⇨ 2, 2 ⇨ 3, 3 ⇨ 5, 5 ⇨ 6, 6 ⇨ i. 3 and 6 require more strength than the others because there is 4 between 3 and 5, and 7 between 6 and i.


Note : Don't let Up portamento affect the beat of the song. Make sure that the speed flows accurately and evenly.

Note : After you press down a string and achieve the pitch you need, do not move your fingers. If you move your fingers, the pitch will change.



Note : The beat has to be even. Don’t release your hand until your right hand plucks the next string. Listen carefully to make sure you have the right pitch.


Note : Note: there are several places in this song that requires you to pluck the same string after pressing down the string. Remember: do not release your left hand too earlier. Release your hand at the same time when you pluck the string.


