
(9)How to play 4 and 7notes

古箏初級指法 Guzheng for Beginners
 (9)  How to play 4 and 7

Guzheng is based on a scale of five sounds (i.e. Pentatonic scale) - 5 (so), 6 (la), 1 (do), 2(re),
3 (mi). You probably have noticed that 4 (fa) and 7 (ti) are missing. In fact, you have to rely on
your left hand to obtain 4 and 7 by pressing down the strings. Some useful tips:
Press 3 in order to get 4. The difference between 3 and 4 is only half a tone.
Therefore, you only need to press gently to get 4.
Press 6 to get 7. The difference between 6 and 7 is a whole tone. Therefore, 
you need to press harder to get 7.

When plucking 3 and 4 consecutively, you have to pay extra attention. Since there 
is residual sound after plucking 3, if you press the string and then pluck 3 to get 4, 
you will likely hear a Up Portamento (Up Portamento is another technique that
will be introduced in a later chapter). To avoid hearing the Portamento, your right 
hand has to pluck 3 and your left hand has to press down at the same time. 
Also, you have to press the string down to the exact position to get 4. This way,
you will be able to hear 3 and 4 clearly.

On the contrary, when you have to pluck 4 and then 3, don’t release your
hand immediately after plucking 4. If your hand relaxes after plucking 4, 
you will hear Down Portamento (Down Portamento is another technique 
that will be introduced in a later chapter). The best way is that after
plucking 4, don’t relax your left hand immediately. You have to release
your hand at the same time when you pluck 3.

If you don’t have to pluck 3 before plucking 4, then you may place your
hand at 3 and press down in advance for preparation.

The same theory applies to plucking 6 and 7, as well as 7 and 6.

Press the string down to achieve the right sound. Your left hand has to be sturdy
Your first joint of your fingers should not bend inward.


Watch movie -> 1.9.1              

note: Play all with L (Tuo)




  note : For the first “4”, you may press down the string in advance. After plucking the second “4”, do not release your left hand immediately - release your hand at the same time when you pluck “3”.





For more information about the Pentatonic Scale, visit the above link.


