

 1. 漢宮秋月

 2.    繡金匾

 3.  漁舟唱晚

 4. 燈月交輝(又名 : 刺繡鞋)


 6. 河南八板


Central Conservatory of Music Grade 1-8 practice 中央一至八級練習曲




2.      左手彈奏練習

   2. 琶音練習

  1. 搖籃曲雙手複調練習 (搖籃曲)
  2. 搖指練習 (小白菜)
  3. 雙手配合練習 (有趣的練習)
  4. 雙手彈奏練習 (旋轉的舞蹈)

  1. 搖指練習 (天上月亮帶星星)
  2. 雙手練習(桂花八月遍地開)
  3. 分解和弦練習
  4. 雙手 輪抹” 綜合練習 部分



中央古箏考級二級曲目及彈法介紹Chinese Central Conservatory of Music - Guzheng Grade 2

1. 畫眉跳架 Thrush  Jump in the Frame
是一首潮州"重六調"箏曲, 其旋律的風格性突出, 重復句多, 全曲有不斷加快的趨勢.
It is a Chaozhou Guzheng song, its melody is special, there are many repetitions, and the whole song should be accelerated.

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 2.    西江月(又名 : 一點紅) The moon of the West River
是一首著名的潮州箏曲, 描寫月照西江, 水波在閃爍的美麗夜景.旋律流暢, 通俗易懂. 主題旋律反復多次, 但每一次都有些變化,
注意彈奏的速度不要過快. 不然音樂會顥得過于急切, 不够抒情和優美.
It is a famous Chaozhou Guzheng song, describing the moonlight shining on the West River, the beautiful night scene where the water waves are shining. The melody is smooth and easy to understand. The theme melody is repeated many times, but every time there is some change,
Note that the speed of playing should not be too fast. Otherwise the music will feel too urgent, not lyrical   and beautiful.

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又名"鳳陽歌" 為山東琴書曲牌, 表達了一種祥和愉快的情緒.
Also known as "Fengyang Song" for Shandong , it expresses a kind of happy and happy mood.

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4. 西廂詞(收看)
是一首渶調箏曲, 音樂具有民歌風格. 曲調純樸, 親切感人. 若節奏不好算可將現有的拍子放慢一倍.   
It is a Hakka Guzheng song, and the music has a folk song style. The music is simple and intimate. If the rhythm is not good, the existing speed can be doubled.

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 5.蝶戀花 Butterfly Likes Flowers

It is a popular folk song.

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6. 三十三板() () () Thirty-Three Bars

是浙江箏曲, 共有三十三板(即三十三小節), 是一首學習浙江箏曲的開手曲. 三種不同的變奏可按慢, 稍快, 快的速度編排在一起演奏.
It is a Guzheng song of Zhejiang, with a total of thirty-three bars , which is a song for the beginners of Zhejiang Zheng. Three different variations can be played together slowly, slightly faster, and faster.

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6.2 分別介紹(請收看全曲movie)


 : 古箏主頁 back to My Guzheng  

中央古箏考級一級曲目及彈法介紹 Chinese Central Conservatory of Music - Guzheng Grade 1

1. 小鳥朝鳳 Birds worship the Phoenix
此曲在河南泌陽一帶叫 "小百鳥朝鳯", 在南陽地則叫"小飛舞" , 河南箏曲, 源于河南頭曲. 樂曲風趣, 流暢, 有北方音樂風格..

This song is called "Little Hundred Birds worship the Phoenix" in the area of  Henan Province,  which originated from Henan Song. The music is fun, smooth, and has a northern music style.

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2. 關山月 Guan Shan Yue
根據古琴曲移植, 樂譜最早見於1932年的 " 梅庵琴譜 " . 20世紀50年代初, 夏一峰, 楊蔭瀏先生將李白的詩 " 明月出天山, 蒼茫雲海間 " 填入歌詞配唱.
此曲純樸自然, 帶有北方民間音樂的氣質.
This song translated from Guqin, the music score was first seen in the "Meiqin Musical Spectrum" in 1932. In the early 1950s, This song is pure and natural, with the temperament of northern folk music.

Soldiers left their hometowns to protect the country, missing their hometown and their wives at home, and profoundly reflected the pain that war brought to the general public.

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3. 十杯酒 Ten Glasses of Wine
是一首潮州小曲, 運用了潮箏最基本的指法.  輕六調 : "4音" 及 "7音" 的點是 "4音" 比正常的稍高, "7音" 比正常的稍低.
樂共短小, 流暢, 優美.

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4. 小開手
此曲流傳于河南逐平地區, 是初學者入們必修之曲, 又叫 " 開手板" 因結構短小, 它是弦索手法練習極為重要的曲子之一.
This song is popular in Henan, and it is a compulsory song for beginners. It is also called "Fingers technique" because of its short structure. It is one of the most important songs for practice.

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5.上樓 Up Stairs 
上樓的曲調較樸實, 簡單的一種版本.

A simpler version of the music style.

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6. 千聲佛 Buddha Sounds
樂曲表現了佛教的贊頌之聲, 意境淡雅, 清淨和肅穆.
The music expresses the praise of Buddhism, the artistic concept is elegant, clean and solemn.

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(11)左手指法組合 Left hand combo technique


watch video -> 2.11.1


watch video ->  2.11.2 

(10)雙手食指交替抺奏 Two hand index fingers alternate turn


watch video -> 2.10.1 


 watch video ->  2.10.2


(9)搖指 Tremolo



watch video -> 2.9.1 


watch video ->  2.9.2 

watch video ->  2.9.3 


watch video ->  2.9.4         


watch video ->  2.9.5 

watch video ->  2.9.6  
